The Scotish Bolt Fund was set up in 2013 to assist the replacment of deteriorating in-situ gear with long lasting stainless steel products. 10% of the proceeds of our book have gone into the fund, which has already helped re-equip Balgone Heughs and crags on the North West coast.
We are just about to distribute funds for this year, but given the amount of re-equipping activity we have heard of, what we have is going to be a drop in the ocean. The BMC bolt fund does not cover Scotland, making your support all the more important. Therefore we are asking for contributions of any size to to the fund to make our sport climbs better. If you enjoy Scotlands sport climbing, please consider the work that goes into them, and perhaps think of a donation as an investment in your own safety!
Donations can be made on this website (“contacts” page) with paypal
You can also find application forms here if you feel that the fund would help your own efforts.
Thank you for the support, Seb and Topher.